Support modules
On Board support modules are a comprehensive suite of information and resources on key governance topics. They include model policies and templates, guidance notes and governance guides and direct links to the topics on other websites, for example the Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC).
Model policies
Your board should have policies in place that are consistent with DEECA's model policies. This will assist your agency to meet its governance obligations.
Guidance notes
Guidance notes are an overview of a key governance topic.
New board members should be provided with certain information in their induction program and kit.
Note that small (category 3) committees of management of Crown land reserves only need to use the Committees of management support module.
Leading the Way: Occupational Health and Safety
Leading the Way is a whole of Victorian Government initiative to improve health and safety in the public sector. Victorian public sector workplaces include:
- government departments
- public-sector unions
- public sector organisations.
It has a vision of creating a Victorian public sector workforce that:
- is healthy and safe
- improves outcomes for the Victorian community.
Need more information?
Find out more about the initiative on the Victorian Public Sector Commission website.
Email for more details.
Codes of conduct
The Code of Conduct for Directors of Victorian Public Entities (Directors’ Code of Conduct), which is issued by the Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC):
- applies to board members of DEECA agencies
- is incorporated into DEECA's model policy on Code of Conduct
There is also a Code of Conduct for Victorian Public Sector Employees, which applies to employees of DEECA agencies.
Governance guides
In addition to the guidance notes and other resources in the support modules, DEECA also publishes governance guides.
DEECA guide to annual reporting – public bodies
A guide for those DEECA agencies with annual reporting obligations under the Financial Management Act. Updated each year.
Committees of management responsibilities and good practice guidelines
The Committees of management guidelines are key reading for small (category 3) committees of management of crown land reserves. Published by DEECA.
Guide to governing in the water sector
The Water governance guide (PDF, 6.3 MB) provides an overview of the governance framework for the Victorian water sector. This guide is both an induction tool for newcomers and an update for existing directors. It also gives an introduction to the ministers, government departments and agencies that play a role in the oversight of the sector.
Water governance guide (accessible version) (DOCX, 441.2 KB)
The guide will benefit boards, directors and senior officers of water corporations, the Victorian Environmental Water Holder, and catchment management authorities.
Victorian Public Sector Commission
As part of its role in promoting good governance in the public sector, the Victorian Public Sector Commission publishes codes and guidance. DEECA’s support modules have direct links to the relevant topics on the VPSC website.
Victorian Public Sector Commissioner:
- resources to support Board operations
- resources to support Victorian public sector board directors, chairs and entities.
Establishing Portfolio Governance Guide
The Victorian Public Sector Commission’s Establishing Portfolio Governance Guide provides departments and portfolio entities with advice on how to work well together. It details guidance on how to:
- understand their roles
- evaluate and improve their relationships
- agree on the roles and responsibilities
- discuss the risks, needs and obligations of individual public entities
- set up clear ways to communicate and engage with each other.
The governance resource suite also covers important topics such as:
- scenarios for establishing portfolio governance
- dos and don’ts for public entity portfolio governance
- dos and don’ts for department portfolio governance
- the importance of keeping ministers informed
- monitoring performance and compliance.
Watchdog agencies
These agencies promote a high standard of public sector governance as part of their role watchdog roles:
- Victorian Ombudsman
- Office of the Victorian Information Commission
- Victorian Auditor-General
- Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC).
For further information, see the Integrity complaints support module.
Suggestions and feedback
Please email your suggestions for additional support modules and resources (e.g. model policies and guidance notes) and your feedback on how to improve existing resources to
The materials on this page were last reviewed on: 20/08/2024
Page last updated: 15/01/25