Your board should review its performance annually, including:
- the collective (team) performance of the board
- the performance of individual board members
- the chair’s performance of their additional duties as chair.
An annual performance assessment allows the board to identify and address areas that require improvement.
It is good practice for boards to develop a performance assessment plan. This plan should be consistent with any assessment directions or guidelines issued by the Minister or the Secretary of DEECA.
Model policy – Performance assessment
It is basic good governance for all DEECA agencies to have a performance assessment policy in place for board members.
Your board's policy should be consistent with the DEECA model policy.
Performance Assessment (1) - Model policy (PDF, 310.4 KB)
Performance Assessment (1) - Model policy (DOCX, 512.1 KB)
Performance assessment plan
The model policy sets out what to include in the board’s performance assessment plan.
Criteria for assessing performance
The appendices to the model policy offer criteria for assessing the performance of:
- the board collectively (Appendix 1)
- individual board members (Appendix 2)
- the chair's additional duties (Appendix 3).
In addition, guidelines or directions may be issued with assessment criteria for particular types of agencies – see below.
Guidelines or directions for particular types of agencies
At times, guidelines or directions, such as board performance assessment processes and criteria, may be issued by the Minister or the Secretary of DEECA for certain agencies or types of agencies.
Where applicable, your agency’s DEECA relationship manager or team will assist your agency with further information.
Examples of where specific guidelines or directions have been issued are for:
- water corporations
- catchment management authorities.
Guidance notes
About the model policy
Explains why the model policy contains certain wording and procedures. Includes information on implementing the policy.
Performance Assessment (2) - About the model policy (PDF, 196.8 KB)
Performance Assessment (2) - About the model policy (DOCX, 505.2 KB)
Governance links
Related support modules
On Board has related support modules for boards of DEECA agencies, including:
- Code of conduct
- Conflict of interest
- Dispute resolution
- Gifts, benefits and hospitality
- Board meetings and decisions
Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC)
As part of its role in promoting good governance in the public sector, the VPSC issues the Code of conduct for directors of Victorian public entities which applies to board members. It also publishes information on Assessing public board performance.
Watchdog agencies
As part of their watchdog role, the Victorian Ombudsman, the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO), and the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) also promote a high standard of public sector governance. For further information see the Integrity complaints support module.
For example, some reports published by the Ombudsman and VAGO investigate board performance. Other agencies may find these reports useful reading.
What laws and other governance obligations apply?
Governance obligations in relation to performance assessment include:
- section 81(1)(d) of the Public Administration Act (PAA)
- duties of directors (board members) in section 79 of the PAA
- Code of conduct for directors of Victorian public entities, which reinforces the public sector values in section 7 of the PAA
- any specific requirements in the agency's establishing Act
- any guidelines or directions issued by the minister or the Secretary of DEECA, such as performance assessment processes and criteria. For examples, see the specific guidelines/directions for water corporations and for catchment management authorities.
The materials on this page were last reviewed on: 18/12/2024
Page last updated: 20/01/25