How to access DEECA documents under FOI

You can request access to documents held by DEECA by writing to the FOI Unit and including payment of the application fee.

You can submit a request electronically via FOI Online, or email your request to We will send you an application fee payment form to pay via BPAY or at the post office.

Alternatively, you can write a letter, or download the FOI Application form (PDF, 897.2 KB) / FOI Application form (accessible version) (DOCX, 696.5 KB) and send it to:

FOI and  Privacy Unit
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
PO Box 500

Fees and charges

An application fee must be paid with the request. This fixed cost is non-refundable.

If payment of the fee would cause you hardship, you can ask for it to be waived by providing evidence such as a photocopy of your current health care card.

Further charges may be payable for time spent searching for documents and photocopying.

For the current fee and charges that apply, please refer to the above FOI application form.

You will be advised if these charges are going to be more than $50 and asked to pay a deposit if you want to continue with your request.

What types of documents are held by DEECA?

DEECA has prepared information statements under Part II of the FOI Act. These statements provide an overview of the types of documents held by DEECA and how you can access the information you may require.

Accessing DEECA information

Making a request

If you ask for documents on behalf of another person about their personal affairs, we may ask you for a signed authority from that person.

If you ask for documents about your personal affairs, we may ask you to provide proof of your identity.

You need to clearly describe the documents you want so that we can locate them. Avoid phrases like all documents about…[ a topic].

Please include a timeframe for your request.

How we respond

We aim to provide the cheapest and easiest form of access to documents. We may refer you to the wide range of information available to the public on the Internet and at our Customer Contact Centre if the information sought is in the public domain.

If your request is not clear or is too general we may ask you to amend it so that it is clear or describes specific documents or a specific timeframe.

We will give you a decision about your request as soon as possible, and no later than 30 days after it is received or after it is clarified, or after a deposit it paid, unless the time period is extended due to the consultation being required.

If we decide not to release some or all of the documents you want, we will give you reasons and tell you how to appeal.

We may suggest that you send your application to another agency, or transfer your request as appropriate.

Further information

Contact the DEECA FOI Unit on (03) 7022 6530 or

Page last updated: 11/07/24