Our policies and processes provide public confidence in our decision-making.
We discourage you from making an offer of a gift, benefit or hospitality (gift offer) to our employees.
Our employees cannot accept a gift that may bring their integrity, or that of the department, into disrepute.
Our policy and processes meet the Minimum accountabilities for the management of gifts, benefits and hospitality.
Gifts, benefits and hospitality policy (PDF, 195.7 KB)
Privacy collection statement
Our employees advise their line manager of every non-token gift offer they receive, even if they refuse it.
We collect, retain and use this information to help ensure our policy is effective and to meet our legal obligations.
Register of reportable gift offers
Gift offers are either:
- token (inconsequential, trivial, and worth less than $50), or
- reportable (non-token).
We must:
- keep a register of all reportable gift offers
- publish a de-identified copy that complies with privacy laws.
Gifts, benefits and hospitality register records
- Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality External Register 2023-24 (PDF, 464.9 KB)
- Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality External Register 2023-24 - accessible (DOCX, 88.7 KB)
- Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality External Register 2022-23 (PDF, 325.0 KB)
Avoid making an offer
Avoid making gift offers that our employees cannot accept.
For example: you have an interest in a business decision the employee is likely to make or influence.
If you are a business associate (e.g. supplier or tenderer), consequences may apply if you act contrary to:
- our policy
- any Victorian government supplier code of conduct.
Avoid making multiple offers
If you make multiple gift offers the overall effect may raise integrity issues.
Our agencies
Our agencies have similar obligations regarding gift offers. On Board offers a model policy, declaration form and register. It also has guidance notes. Visit Boards and governance - gifts, benefits and hospitality
Further information
For further information about our policy please email integrity@delwp.vic.gov.au.
Page last updated: 06/02/25