Forestry is an important part of Victoria’s economy.

It has historically provided jobs, income and timber products derived from native forests and plantations.

Native timber harvesting in Victoria’s state forests ended on 1 January 2024 with supports being brought forward and scaled up.

Plantation timber

Victoria has the biggest plantation estate in the country.

The 382,600 hectare plantation estate is made up of mainly Radiata Pine and Southern Blue Gum.

Plantation pine is used in residential and commercial construction as well as pulp and paper manufacturing.

More information on plantations.

Commercial native forest timber production

Commercial native timber harvesting in Victoria’s State forests ended on 1 January 2024.

VicForests, the former Victorian Government native timber harvesting business, closed on 30 June 2024.

All remaining VicForests property, rights and liabilities have been transferred to the Victorian Government.

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action is responsible for managing State forests to reduce bushfire risk and maintaining their biodiversity.

Key websites

Page last updated: 01/07/24