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The Forestry Transition Program is providing support for workers, businesses and communities who are impacted by the cessation of commercial native timber harvesting in Victorian State forests.

The Victorian Timber Innovation Grant Program aims to support impacted forestry businesses to explore, invest, and implement new business opportunities.

Following the successful delivery of Rounds 1 and 2 of the program, additional funding is available for Round 3.

Applications for Round 3 are now open.

Previous Victorian Timber Innovation Fund recipients

Australian Sustainable Hardwoods – Heyfield
  • Engineered Flooring Manufacturing Line and Retail Supply Chain – $1,619,000
  • MASSLAM Finishing and Storage and Reconditioner Project – $1,201,500
Radial Timber – Yarram
  • Small Log Line – $325,000
  • Hardwood Reconnaissance Project – $17,000
  • Plantation Processing Trials – $50,000
Longwarry Sawmill
  • Recycled Timber Project – $202,142
Ryan & McNulty – Benalla
  • Plantation-based manufacturing project - $100,000
Brunts Harvesting – Orbost
  • Forestry Innovation Transition Feasibility Study – $40,000
Talbot Timbers
  • Plantation Timber research and Feasibility Study – $82,758
Eddy Enterprises – Mansfield
  • Heavy Equipment Clean Up Feasibility Study Project – $89,875
Samaria Contracting
  • Excavation and Plantation Timber Processing Feasibility Study – $68,765
CDH Contracting – Alexandra
  • Alternative Timbers Business Transition Project – $71,238
Clark Generation – Healesville
  • Forestry Residue Utilisation Project Business Plan – $97,810

Australian Sustainable Hardwoods – Heyfield
  • Expand and complete specialised glue laminated timber facility - $967,500
W&J Fenner – Orbost
  • Transition into land and vegetation management - $110,000
Gippsland logging and earth moving – Traralgon
  • Transition to plantation haulage - $330,000
DN & LJ Blackwood Pty Ltd – Traralgon
  • Transition into plantation timber haulage services - $152,457
Blackwood Haulage Pty Ltd – Tyers
  • Transition to earthmoving services and firewood sales - $248,000
Boss Logging Pty Ltd – Bairnsdale
  • Transition into plantation timber feedstock transportation - $310,261
Blair & Campbell Haulage – Bruthen
  • Research options for carting alternatives - $86,400
Radial Timber Australia – Yarram
  • Trial of replacement fibre into product line - $90,000
MecTec  Pty Ltd – Orbost
  • Heavy Transport Sales and Service Transition - Stage 1 - $275,000
BP & JN Weller Pty Ltd - Glengarry
  • Transition to Heavy Machinery Haulage Business - $255,000
Central Excavations and Contracting – Romsey
  • Transition to earth moving business - $249,115
Meyer Log Cartage – Romsey
  • Transition to private tree services - $301,269
Simply Baths Pty Ltd – Harcourt
  • Electrification of wood fired bakery - $184,300
Jacksons Creek Sawmill Pty Ltd – Diggers Rest
  • Sawmill Upgrade - $333,333
Pyrenees Timber – Beaufort
  • Alternative heating fuel source for health service - $86,000
Otway Tonewoods – Otway
  • High Value Tonewoods Feasibility Study - $89,983
Ryan & McNulty – Benalla
  • Plantation-based manufacturing project - $250,000
Samaria Contracting Pty Ltd – Benalla
  • Transition to plantation-based project - $250,000
Eddy Enterprises Pty Ltd - Mansfield
  • Heavy Equipment Clean up Prototype - $250,000
North East Logging Pty Ltd – Acheron
  • Transition to civil construction sector - $266,666
Conway Transport Pty Ltd – Taggerty
  • Transition to forest management and contractor services - $273,983
CDH Contracting – Alexandra
  • Transition to forest management services - $250,000
Eddcon Pty Ltd – Tolmie
  • Seed Processing and Storage Facility Feasibility Study - $90,000
LogPros Pty Ltd – Yarra Ranges
  • Transition to food grade freezer transport - $249,165
Powelltown Sawmill – Yarra Ranges
  • Plantation Fibre Utilisation Feasibility Study - $89,396
  • Firewood Processor Procurement - $331,577
Swan Sawmill Pty Ltd - Picola
  • Alternative timber innovation project - $194,695
Moloney Logging Pty Ltd – Traralgon
  • Transition to haulage of cement tanker project - $246,333
Curry Haulage Pty Ltd – Yinnar South
  • Transitioning to alternative haulage activities - $247,696

This list will be updated regularly as Round 2 grants are finalised.


The Program will support Victorian forestry businesses to:

  • explore, test or deliver new or innovative business models; or
  • diversify and reorientate core business activities into alternative industry sectors.

Funding through Round 3 of the Program will be awarded based on an assessment of the application’s value for money and the capability of the applicant to complete the project.

Round 3 of the Program has an expression of interest stage and an application stage, and includes assistance for applicants to prepare their application.

Funding details

The Victorian Timber Innovation Grants Program will provide grants up to $1 million.

In determining the amount provided by the Government, the following will be considered:

  • Project alignment with the Program’s objectives, particularly the creation and the retention of jobs in Victorian communities impacted by the native timber transition.
  • The co-contribution amount to be made by the applicant.
  • Previous funding received by the applicant from the Forestry Transition Program, including earlier rounds of the Victorian Timber Innovation Fund, and the status of funded projects.
  • The project will provide value for money by generating broader public good, particularly building local economies, and creating new or retaining existing employment opportunities.

Grants over $1 million may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Co-contribution requirements

A cash co-contribution is not a requirement for projects with a total value of up to $250,000 where jobs will be retained or created.

For projects with a total value of over $250,000, a minimum 1:1 cash co-contribution will be required by the applicant for every dollar over $250,000. Sources of cash co-contribution must be disclosed in the application. The purchase of land will not be considered a co-contribution.

Further information can be found in the program guidelines.

Who can apply

Businesses that meet the following criteria can apply for a Victorian Timber Innovation Grant:

  • have or had a Timber Sale Agreement, Forest Produce Licence or Forest Produce Agreement issued by VicForests that was current as of 1 January 2023
  • have or had a timber harvest/haulage contract with VicForests that was current as of 1 January 2023
  • are a haulage sub-contractor contracted since 1 July 2020 to a business with a current VicForests harvest and/or haulage contract, and derived at least 30% of annual revenue from that contract based on an average of the last 5 financial years
  • are a road contractor who has had a contract since 1 July 2020 to a business with a harvest/ haulage contract with VicForests that was current at 1 July 2023, and had at least 30% of annual revenue derived from road construction or maintenance operations on the road network used for hardwood log haulage based on an average of the last 5 financial years
  • are a road contractor who has had a contract with VicForests since 1 July 2020, and had at least 30% of annual revenue derived from road construction or maintenance operations on the road network used for hardwood log haulage based on an average of the last 5 financial years
  • are a seed collector who has at least 30% of annual revenue from the VicForests contract, based on an average of the last 5 financial years
  • are a business undertaking forest-based activities which has had at least 30% of annual revenue derived from a VicForests contract based on an average of the last 5 financial years.

They also must:

  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • conduct business operations within Victoria
  • meet all the industrial relations obligations as an employer under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) National Employment Standards.

Application preparation

Applicants are advised to read the program guidelines before contacting a Forestry Transition Representative to discuss their project. If needed they can seek assistance at this point from a Registered Service Provider to help prepare their application and business project plan.

The Registered Service Provider will complete an expression of interest (EOI) and/or a grant application on behalf of the business.

When ready, an EOI can be submitted through the VTIF website. The business will receive an EOI outcome and a link to the application form via email if successful. The business then needs to lodge and application online before the program closing date.

The Department will then assess and recommend applications to the Minister for funding. The business will be notified of the outcome and if successful, they will receive a Letter of Offer. Applicants who are successful then respond by either accepting or rejecting the Letter of Offer.

The Department will then issue a grant agreement and the applicant returns the signed agreement to the Department. The Department countersigns and executes the agreement. The project commences and payments are made on evidence of the project milestones being met and completed.

Grant Application Assistance Service

A Grant Application Assistance Service is being set up to help businesses apply for Round 3 of the Timber Innovation Grants.

The service will allow applicants to engage a Registered Service Provider to undertake project planning to assist with preparing and submitting an expression of interest and/or application to the Timber Innovation Fund – Round 3 on behalf of the business.

The Grant Application Assistance Service of the Timber Innovation Fund – Round 3 will be delivered as a voucher program.

A voucher can be applied for as part of the Expression of Interest process when the EOI is submitted by a Registered Service Provider on behalf of businesses.

The Grant Application Assistance Service is an optional component of the Timber Innovation Fund, for any eligible business who requires assistance to submit an Expression of Interest and/or an Application to the program.

This page will be updated with provider details and businesses notified.

How to apply

Submit a Timber Innovation Fund Expression of Interest

Apply to be a Grant Assistance Service Registered Service Provider

Key dates

  • Grants open: 31 May 2024
  • Grants close: 30 June 2025

Fair Jobs Code

The Victorian Government’s Fair Jobs Code came into effect on 1 December 2022.

The Fair Jobs Code allows the Victorian Government to use its purchasing power to promote secure employment and fair labour standards and to ensure compliance with employment, workplace and industrial laws.

Grants of $500,000 and over (excluding GST) may need to comply with the Code – for more information, please visit the Buying for Victoria website.

More information

Phone 1800 318 182 or email forestrytransition@deeca.vic.gov.au.

Page last updated: 31/05/24