Great Outdoors Taskforce survey closed

January 2025 update

The Taskforce thanks everyone who participated in the recent engagement for the future of Victoria’s state forest survey via Engage Victoria.

Consultation has now closed. The Taskforce is currently preparing its recommendations to government on the future use and management of these forests.

The Engage Victoria survey had over 11,401 unique page visitors and 4,243 survey responses.

Victorian Environmental Assessment Council is conducting a scientific values assessment of the area to support understanding of forest values. The Taskforce has sought economic, recreation and Country biocultural values assessments. These are just some of the many inputs the Taskforce will consider in making its recommendations.

The Taskforce will be providing its recommendations Government in mid-2025.

Great Outdoors Taskforce

July 2024 update

The end of commercial native timber harvesting in Victoria’s state forests presents a landmark opportunity to consider how over 1.8m ha of forest is managed to provide shared benefits into the future. This includes identifying opportunities to encourage more Victorians and visitors to Victoria to experience nature, building regional economies while protecting the environment and supporting Traditional Owner self-determination.

Victoria is home to some of the most impressive forests in the world. They provide habitat for unique animals and plants that are not found anywhere else, as well as a much-loved backyard for Victorians and visitors to explore.

Former Minister for Environment, the Hon. Lisa Neville, will lead the Taskforce that will consider future use of over 1.8 million hectares of state forest previously managed for timber harvesting.

The Taskforce will identify areas of state forest where recommendations can be made now and advise where more engagement is required over the longer term.

The Taskforce is different to the Eminent Panel for Community Engagement that has been engaging with Victorians on the future management and uses of the Central Highlands, Strathbogie Ranges and Mirboo North state forests.

The Taskforce will partner with relevant Traditional Owner groups as well as supporting the state-wide interests of Aboriginal Victorians in this work.

As part of this work, the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council will be conducting scientific values assessments of the area to support understanding of forest values. The Taskforce will also seek economic, recreation and cultural values assessments. These are all just some of the many inputs the Taskforce will consider in making its recommendations.

The Great Outdoors Taskforce has started meeting with key stakeholders and local councils and will announce details of upcoming consultation soon. See the Premier’s media release about the Taskforce here.

Consultation has closed for Central Highlands

July 2024 Update

The Panel thanks everyone who participated in the recent engagement for the future of Central Highlands state forest.

Consultation has now closed. The Eminent Panel is currently preparing its recommendations to government on the future use and management of these forests.

The Panel hosted over 60 targeted engagement sessions with organisations and community representatives from over 80 groups. Over 1,000 people attended 9 open community drop-in sessions in Noojee, Healesville, Warburton, Yarra Junction, Gembrook, Wandong, Marysville, Drouin and Alexandra.

Data is also being collated from the EngageVic website, with over 60,000 unique page visitors and 14,000 unique survey responses.

The Panel has requested extra time to complete its report to ensure that all voices are properly heard and considered as part of its report to Government. It looks forward to providing the Victorian Government with its report soon.

VEAC will finalise its economic assessment of the Panel’s recommendations and produce a final report, in line with its terms of reference, following the completion of the Panel’s report.

There will be further opportunities to contribute to conversations about the future use of state forests with the Great Outdoors Taskforce that is working in forests in North East Victoria and Gippsland.

Central Highlands state forests with misty outlook

Great Outdoors Taskforce

April 2024

On 1 April 2024 the Victorian Government announced the next stage in the future of Victoria’s state forests, with the appointment of a Great Outdoors Taskforce.

Former Minister for Environment, Lisa Neville, will lead the Taskforce that will consider future use of over 1.8 million hectares of state forest previously managed for timber harvesting.

Importantly, the Taskforce will be working alongside the Eminent Panel for Community Engagement that is currently engaging with Victorians on the future management and uses of Central Highlands state forests. The Panel’s Engage Victoria page is open and includes more information on engagement opportunities.

The Taskforce process will allow flexibility for each relevant Traditional Owner group to determine its involvement as well as supporting the state-wide interests of Aboriginal Victorians in this work.

The Victorian Environmental Assessment Council will be conducting scientific values assessments of the area to support understanding of forest values.

The work will be undertaken over the next 12 months and details of consultation will be available shortly.

See the Premier’s media release about the Taskforce.

Panel starts engagement for Central Highlands

March 2024

The Eminent Panel for Community Engagement has commenced its community engagement program for Victoria’s Central Highlands forests.

The Panel’s in-depth engagement program will inform the development of its recommendations to the Victorian Government.

During this time, the Panel will be meeting with individuals and organisations in the Central Highlands.

You can take part by completing a short survey and sharing which part of the forest is important to you and why.

More information about the survey and opportunities to engage with the Panel are available on Engage Victoria.

Central Highlands engagement beginning in early 2024 and VEAC report released

December 2023 

In 2021, the Victorian Government established the Eminent Panel for Community Engagement to provide recommendations on the future use of areas of State forest and Immediate Protection Areas. The Eminent Panel will now focus its work on the future use of State forests in the Central Highlands.

As part of an in-depth community engagement process set to commence in early 2024, the Eminent Panel for Community Engagement will be speaking with the Victorian community including Traditional Owners, land managers and local groups to understand the values and priorities for these forests.

The Eminent Panel will assess the Central Highlands State forests for future uses, including:

  • areas of our forests that qualify for protection as National Parks
  • areas of our forests that would be suitable for recreation opportunities, including camping, hunting, hiking, mountain biking and four-wheel driving
  • opportunities for management of public land by Traditional Owners.

More information will be available shortly on opportunities to contribute.

The Eminent Panel is working alongside the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) who is undertaking scientific values assessments.  VEAC’s assessment will inform the Eminent Panel’s engagement and advice to the Victorian Government about the future uses of the of the Central Highlands State forests.

VEAC’s interim report has now been released.

Contact the Eminent Panel to register your interest and subscribe for updates.

Final reports for Mirboo North and Strathbogie Ranges Immediate Protection Areas

August 2022 

The Panel has completed its work for Mirboo North and Strathbogie Ranges Immediate Protection Areas. This includes 14 recommendations to enhance the future use and management of these areas.

The Panel’s report presents opportunities to strengthen management of our environment whilst balancing a range of uses. It also demonstrates Traditional Owners rights and interests to managing and caring for Country. This includes through strong partnership with the Victorian community and land managers.

The Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) has also completed its assessment of Mirboo North and Strathbogie Ranges Immediate Protection Areas. This has been a key consideration of the Panel in undertaking its work.

While VEAC’s report does not include recommendations, it does include an economic assessment of the Panel’s proposed land use changes. The Victorian Government thanks the Council for their important work in conducting this assessment.

The Victorian Government is currently considering these reports and will soon provide a formal response to the Panel’s recommendations.

Read the Panel’s report:

Summaries of the Panel’s engagement:

Read the VEAC’s completed assessment.

Photo: Eminent Panel for Community Engagement Final report for Mirboo North and Strathbogie Ranges Immediate Protection Areas

Consultation closed for Mirboo North and Strathbogie Ranges

July 2022

Strathbogie Ranges from Rocky Ned lookout – Mirboo North. Credit: C. Gottgens

The Panel thanks everyone who participated in the recent engagement.

Consultation has closed for Mirboo North and Strathbogie Ranges Immediate Protection Areas.

The Panel held over 50 engagement sessions with the local community and stakeholders. This included on Country meetings with Traditional Owners, local drop-ins and targeted meetings. Engage Victoria also saw important contributions, with over 700 responses received.

This information has been a key input to the Panel's considerations and findings.

The Victorian Government is now considering the Panel's final report.

Next steps

The Panel looks forward to its next phase of work for Central Highlands and East Gippsland Immediate Protection Areas.

Photo: Strathbogie Ranges view from Rocky Ned lookout – Mirboo North. Credit: C. Gottgens

Community engagement for Strathbogie Ranges and Mirboo North is underway

May 2022 

Future Uses of Our Forests engagement opportunities

Engagement on the future use of Immediate Protection Areas at Strathbogie Ranges and Mirboo North has commenced.

The Eminent Panel for Community Engagement is speaking with the Victorian community. This includes meeting with local groups to understand aspirations for these forests.

These conversations will help the Panel identify opportunities to create and maintain healthy forests.

The Panel's Engage Victoria website has further information on opportunities to contribute. You can take part by completing a short survey and sharing which part of the forest is important to you and why.

Details of upcoming Panel engagement events are available on the Engage Victoria site.

Panel partnering with Traditional Owners, engagement to commence shortly

March 2022

The Victorian Government has announced the Eminent Panel for Community Engagement will include formal membership from representatives from Traditional Owner Corporations.

The Panel will lead engagement with the Victorian community. Supporting Traditional Owner objectives for the Immediate Protected Areas will be a key role of the Panel.

The Panel has commenced building its understanding for Immediate Protection Areas in the Strathbogie Ranges and Mirboo North.

The Victorian Environmental Assessment Council’s initial values assessment for Immediate Protection Areas at Strathbogie Ranges and Mirboo North assessment has now been released.

VEAC’s work will be a key consideration for the panel as they undertake community consultation to form recommendations on the future use of these forest areas.

The Panel will engage with a wide range of people and organisations during April and May to understand the issues and opportunities for the Immediate Protection Areas in Mirboo North and the Strathbogie Ranges. Engagement for Immediate Protection Areas in the Central Highlands and East Gippsland will begin later in 2022 and will also look at the future of State forests in eastern Victoria.

Please contact the Panel to register your interest and subscribe to updates.

Page last updated: 17/02/25