For details of all grants for environmental projects, go to the DELWP website.
And why not use DELWP’s new Youth Ready Assessment and Guide to generate ideas for designing your projects.
Youth Volunteering for Nature Fund - closes 4 November
Parks Victoria, in partnership with DELWP, has launched its first Youth Volunteering for Nature Fund.
The fund comes as part of Victoria’s Great Outdoors Program which seeks to get more Victorians, from all walks of life outdoors enjoying nature.
The Youth Volunteering for Nature Fund is looking to empower young people aged 18 to 29 to create innovative answers to challenges facing Victoria’s environment and increase participation in environmental volunteering by young Victorians.
For more information and to apply, please visit Parks Victoria.
Engage! for youth-led events and programs - closes 29 October
Engage! offers grants between $135,000 and $180,000 over three years for community organisations and local governments to deliver activities and projects that meet young Victorians’ aspirations and goals.
Activities may include leading a project, building life skills, connecting with peers, or showcasing young people’s skills and talents within the local community and could include projects with an environmental outcome.
The guidelines and more information is available at Youth Central.
FReeZA for youth-friendly events - closes 29 October
FReeZA offers three-year funding for community organisations and local governments to deliver safe, youth-friendly live events.
FReeZA is based on a strong youth participation model where young people lead the planning, development and delivery of music, cultural and recreational events in their local community.
Again, environmental projects could fit the bill.
The guidelines and more information is available at Youth Central.
Page last updated: 21/10/21