Equitable and dignified access to services, facilities, communications and employment processes can be achieved by integrating access and inclusion across DELWP.
To do this, the department has identified 22 key actions over four priority areas, to be implemented within three financial years starting 30 June 2021.
Priority 1: Inclusive workplace culture and capability
Objective: Disability initiatives are championed at the Deputy Secretary level to build a disability-confident workforce
Objective: Our workforce is disability-confident and understands the social model of disability
Action | Financial year(s) | Outcome | Indicator | Responsibility |
Action 1: Develop a DELWP disability employment action plan, with targets for special measures positions, disability secondments and internships/graduate positions set for each group | 2021–22 to 2022–23 | Commitment to increasing employment of people with disability is demonstrated at the highest level |
Increased number of applicants and successful candidates with disability Disability employment targets are met | Group Deputy Secretaries and Corporate Services |
Action 2: Participate in the government-wide mentoring program pilot, with a specific focus on mentoring support for our neurodiverse employees | 2021-22 | Neurodiverse employees are supported to progress their career at DELWP | Two employees are supported within the pilot with tailored support provided to mentors and mentees | People and Culture |
Action 3: Develop a data collection and reporting framework within existing corporate systems that comply with privacy requirements and staff preferences to measure onboarding, retention and support of employees with disability | 2021-22 | Stronger data collection and reporting measures are embedded into our corporate systems to enable continuous improvement and accountability and compliance with privacy requirements | DELWP's progress supporting employees with disability is measured and embedded in group performance reporting and AIP indicator reporting while protecting privacy where required | People and Culture |
Action 4: Develop and implement a facilitated intervention process and framework to ensure people with disability and carers are supported and obtain the right adjustments to enable them to perform at their best | 2022-23 | Our People leaders are accountable for a safe, respectful and inclusive work environment at DELWP | A Disability Safety framework is developed and embedded into our Safe and Respectful Workplaces program | People and Culture |
Objective: Our workforce is disability-confident and understands the social model of disability
Action | Financial Year(s) | Outcome | Indicator | Responsibility |
Action 5: The Access and inclusion plan 2021-2024 is embedded in the broader People and Culture corporate communications framework | Ongoing | The AIP actions and activities are regularly promoted to employees, enabling increased knowledge and awareness on the inclusion of people with disability | The People and Culture communications plan features AIP item, including a yearly review of AIP progress | People and Culture |
Action 6: The government-wide disability awareness e-learn modules are made available to all DELWP employees and are mandatory for all people leaders | 2021-22 | DELWP employees understand how to eliminate barriers to employment and how to create safe, respectful and inclusive work environments for people with disability | 60% of people leaders have completed the training by 2023 | People and Culture |
Action 7: Tailored support and disability confidence training is provided to Recruitment and HR Advisory teams | 2021-22 | DELWP's Recruitment and HR Advisory teams have the capability and capacity to support employees with disability | 60% of DELWP's Recruitment HR Advisory team members have completed the training by 2023 | People and Culture |
Objective: Our employees with disability have the tools and resources to perform their roles at their best
Action | Financial Year(s) | Outcome | Indicator | Responsibility |
Action 8: Implement a new workplace adjustment policy and scope mechanisms for enhanced accountability and privacy | 2021-22 | Employees with disability have increased opportunities to perform their roles at their best |
Existing and new employees are provided with workplace adjustments in line with the updated procedure Decrease in the number of People Matters Survey respondents whose adjustment request was not implemented | People and Culture |
Action 9: Develop a dedicated disability and carers resource on our intranet that includes relevant policies, information, checklist and networks | 2021-22 | Increased access to resources and information supports disability confidence at DELWP | Disability inclusion tools and resources are developed to provide knowledge and understanding of DELWP's disability policies and processes | Information Services |
Action 10: Review and implement DELWP's internal employment and recruitment processes to ensure they are accessible | 2022-23 | Candidates with disability have the support they need to successfully apply for roles | Increased number of applicants and successful candidates with a disability | People and Culture |
Action 11: Review the position descriptions and criteria requirements of the State Control Centre and regional incident support roles and outfit for emergency testing to remove barriers for people with disability | 2022-23 | Employees with disability can fully participate in DELWP's emergency management efforts | Completed a review of emergency management intake procedure, with recommendations provided for consideration | People and Culture |
Priority 2: Inclusive places and spaces
Objective: The DELWP physical environment provides an inclusive employee experience and makes our offices more accessible to the community.
Action | Financial year(s) | Outcome | Indicator | Responsibility |
Action 12: Review all access audit reports and develop a priority list for implementation | 2021–22 |
A fully accessible the environment is welcoming to employees and community members with disability | Building access audits are assessed, and a plan is developed for implementation | Information Services |
Action 13: Review commonly procured office items to ensure barriers are eliminated and that they are accessible | 2022–23 | Our commonly procured items have minimal barriers for people with disability in our workplace | Our commonly procured items have minimal barriers for people with disability in our workplace People and Culture | People and Culture |
Priority 3: Inclusive information and communication
Objective: Our information and communications are accessible for people with disability
Action | Financial Year(s) | Outcome | Indicator | Responsibility |
Action 14: Undertake an audit of our intranet to ensure it meets current web accessibility compliance standards and establish a framework to deliver prioritised updates | 2023–24 | Employees with disability feel included and have access to the information they need in the format they require | The DELWP intranet complies with web content accessibility guidelines | People and Culture |
Action 15: Review our website information for alternative formats of documents to ensure all documentation meets accessibility standards | 2023–24 | People with disability feel included and have access to the information they need in the format they require | Alternative formats are available on the DELWP website for people with disability | Digital and Customer Communications |
Priority 4: Inclusive communities
Objective: DELWP is committed to supporting people with disability in the community, ensuring our services engage effectively with the community.
We increase access and inclusion for people with disability and use our purchasing power to influence social procurement.
Action | Financial year(s) | Outcome | Indicator | Responsibility |
Action 16: Review all current grant management program guidelines, webpages, guideline templates and other supporting documents to ensure they comply with access and inclusion requirements | 2023–24 | Our grants programs are fair and equitable and include opportunities for people with disability and disability organisations | Grant program design and guidelines include access and inclusion measures | Finance |
Action 17: Promote the opportunity to expand social procurement to include disability social enterprises where possible | 2023–24 | Increased economic participation for people with disability in the community | Increased number of procurements from disability organisations each successive financial year | Finance |
Action 18: Review and implement the accessible event guidelines and create a guidance document with examples and contacts for subject matter experts | 2021–22 | Increased participation by people with disability at DELWP events and programs across Victoria | Our accessible event guidelines are updated and communicated | Digital and Customer Communications |
Action 19: Provide disability confidence training to customer-facing employees | 2022–23 | Our employees understand how to proactively remove barriers and ensure people with disability in the community feel included | Customer-facing teams in DELWP’s Customer Contact Centre undertake inclusion training | People and Culture |
Action 20: Audit DELWP sites for communication access boards, TTY and Hearing Loops, alongside training for customer-facing employees, and implement at 20 per cent of appropriate DELWP locations | 2023–24 | People with disability in our community feel included and have access to the information they need in the format they prefer | Sites are identified for implementing accessible communication options for people with disability, and resources are implemented at 50 per cent of appropriate locations | Information Services |
Objective: People with disability have a voice and their concerns are understood and respected
Action | Financial Year(s) | Outcome | Indicator | Responsibility |
Action 21: Review DELWP’s complaint and feedback systems to include a disability-related category for the purpose of continuous improvement | 2022–23 |
Systemic issues are identified and resolved in a timely manner
Increased satisfaction in customer service experiences for people with disability | DELWP’s complaints system captures issues relating to people with disability for review and action | Digital and Customer Communications |
Action 22: Ensure DELWP’s public engagement processes are inclusive of people with a disability and we are meeting our obligations under the public engagement framework (to be released) | 2021–22 to 2022–23 | Inclusive engagement practices increase the participation of people with a disability in decisions that impact or interest them |
Engagement of people with disability in our engagement practices is measured
We have established relationships with disability peak bodies across Victoria managed with a One-DELWP approach | Digital and Customer Communications |
Page last updated: 30/05/22