'The current fire season started for me in mid-November 2019 as a member of the SCC Resource team.
Back in early to mid-November 2019, there was no going fire yet in Victoria, but EMV International and Interstate Liaison Unit was sending multiple IMT personnel and taskforces to NSW and Queensland.
They were sent to help our interstate emergency response agencies to fight the going fires that were raging in NSW and Queensland. That week then escalated for Victoria, as the first Code Red day was declared since 2009.
The situation then progressed to a State of Disaster, which was declared by the Victorian Premier first time ever under the Emergency Management Act 1986.
I have always wondered at each pre-season briefing what my experience will be like for the coming season. The 2019-2020 season answered my question in no uncertain terms, and it’s been an unprecedented season for me.
I have always knew at the heart of humanity is that people are good people, and they want to do good.
I saw unprecedented kindness not just from Victorians and our Interstate agencies, but also from the Australian Defence Force and our international Emergency Response. Friends such as New Zealanders, Americans, Canadians, French and Papua New Guineans, and the list of different uniforms seems to be growing as Australia is only half way through the 2019-2020 season.
I look forward for the rest of this season in the SCC during lunch or dinner time, when I will be trying to convince our international friends and family that Vegemite is awesome, and that “Chuck a U-ie” is a legitimate and valid navigation terminology.'
Page last updated: 17/02/20